• “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”

    -The Hermetica teachings of Thoth, the Egyptian Scribe of the Gods, c2000 BC

    “Vital energy perceived as a luminous body that could produce cures.”

    -Pythagoras, c500 BC

    Energy healing is a holistic approach that works on the premise that each person is made up of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual components. When there is an imbalance or blockage in these components, it can lead to distortion of emotions, physical ailments, and other disturbances in one’s life.

    The human energy field has been studied for many thousands of years, and science has now confirmed what the ancient people and cultures already knew 5000 years ago. “The whole universe appears as a dynamic web of inseparable energy patterns…Thus we are not separate parts of a whole. We are a Whole.” Barbara Ann-Brennan, former NASA research scientist and Founder of the School of Energy Healing.

    Energy healing helps you to create an awareness of where you may be holding energy or emotion in your body due to some event or experience you did not want to feel and so blocked at the time it occurred. Over time this can affect our well-being both physically and mentally.

    We are so much more than just our physical body. Our bodies are comprised of energy particles that are in constant motion. This energy and motion have a vibratory resonance, a field, sometimes called the Aura, which radiates and vibrates and can influence and be influenced by other energies around us, picking up subtle changes and frequencies.

    We all have the propensity to heal. When you knock your knee, the first thing you might do is place your hands on it, rub it even, sending intention for the pain to stop, and we might even vocalize it! But sometimes the pain comes from an event or an experience and we can’t rub it better, so instead we block the energy because we don’t want to feel it, it’s too traumatic, too painful.

    While this gives us temporary relief, the mental energy in that emotion is constricted and this remains frozen in our energy field at the time it occurred. Over time we may gather more of these blocks, leaving us tired, unfocused and depleted, causing problems in both our mental and physical body. We can forget these blocks even exist and part of our life force is being used to hold this energy rather than creating a joyful life.

    Energy healing practitioners use various techniques to channel and manipulate energy fields and remove blockages in a person’s energy system. By removing these blockages, energy healing may help you release wounds, fears, and traumas that often lie deep within emotional and mental states, with the aim to regain a sense of centredness, balance, and peace.

  • As an energy healing practitioner, we work together, first through dialogue to find the issue to be addressed, and then to find where in the body you may be holding blocked energy. The aim is to create awareness of it and through intention and focus both by the client and healer, to facilitate its release, allowing energy to flow freely again.

    Usually, this release can have a ripple effect through the physical body as well as the energy field, even radiating out to those close to you. The process may involve hands-on work on a massage table, or for remote healings, working on your energy field through deep meditation, intention, and visualisation.

    Throughout the process, the energy healing practitioner will provide support, feeding back to you what has been picked up during the healing process. The benefits can be enormous and help you let go of distorted emotions and experiences so you can move forward in a more positive and life-affirming way.

    Depending on the issue you wish to resolve, it may need several sessions to work through before you gain a sense of harmonious energy flow.

  • When we hold onto blocked energy in our bodies and energy field it can prevent us from realising our full potential, to manifest, create and achieve our life goals. We can over time feel depleted of energy, lack enthusiasm and focus, finding it hard to create meaningful connections, and express or feel emotions.

    In order to achieve well-being and inner balance, it’s important to release any distortions in our energy. Sometimes, recurring issues or events in our lives are an indication that something is out of balance and needs to be addressed. As we release and flow energy freely, balance can be restored, and our life paths become clearer and easier to navigate.

    If this resonates with you, please get in touch and I will be very happy to answer your questions and queries.

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